The new season has begun, and we have had many new Colts join the Leatherhead Hockey Club - Welcome to you all! If you are still not sure, please come along for a taster session.
Sessions will include a carousel of three activities working on different skills to enhance each young player's experience. Goalkeeping will very brought in later in the season, why not give it a go?
The sessions are intended to be interactive, representing game play and will involve developing technical skills.
We will follow England Hockey's CHANGE IT model:
C Coaching Style by using questions to set challenges.
H - How you score.
A - Area, is it too big / too small?
N - Numbers - using different team sizes to vary play / help demonstrate a skill.
G - Game rules, change to help develop a skill.
E - Equipment, vary if possible using light / heavy balls for instance.
I - Inclusion, ask the players what options would improve the game for them and how their involvement could be increased
T - Time, reduce or extend the time of a game to suit.
The LHC coaches will also use the Golden Thread which considers: